Volunteer Application

Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer!

Volunteering with the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden is a rewarding way to spend time in nature, socialize with community members, and pick up new skills. Though we are not currently recruiting, we still invite you to apply! Once we enter our next active recruitment, we will review all applications submitted. Keep up with volunteer work days and other opportunities by signing up for the Arboretum's e-newsletter, the Leaflet.


Are you a UC Davis student?
Consider joining our environmental leadership program called Learning by Leading™ instead. The opportunities range from quarter-long to year-long. Some are paid positions while other positions are available for class credit. Learn more


Applicant Information


Are you a UC Davis student?
Can you commit to volunteering three hours a week from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. for an entire year (including summer)?
Typically, students are not able to join volunteer teams because their schedules don't align with the weekly 3-hour sessions and minimum one-year commitment asked of the volunteers. The good news is that we have great opportunities for students, with student schedules and interests in mind. Check out our Learning by Leading program instead!
We expect volunteers that participate in this training to commit to at least one year of weekly volunteer service. Which weekday(s) do you prefer to work? (please rank all that apply in order of preference, 1 being top preference, 4 being your lowest preference; days that rank the same can be same number)
Questions 1 2 3 4 Not Available
We expect volunteers that participate in this training to commit to at least one year of weekly volunteer service. Which weekend days do you prefer to work? (please rank all that apply in order of preference)
Questions 1 2 N/A


Are you at least 18 years?
Interest/Relevant Experience
Employment/Volunteer History
What is your current employment status?
Education History

The UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden is an equal opportunity organization. Volunteers may not be prevented from a volunteer opportunity based on sex, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Acceptance of this application by the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden does not guarantee a volunteer position. It is the right of this organization to decide on the assignation of volunteers and volunteer positions.

Provide your signature below to certify that all of the statements made on this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.